Friday, August 9, 2013

Project Update - Publication of Dreams of the Few

What’s Happening?
Unfortunately, we were unable to meet our fundraising goal to cover the cost of publication of ‘Dreams of the Few’. The Kickstarter crowd-funding site requires a fundraising project to meet its goal before a project can receive its funding. So, what does that mean? For those who were generous and kind enough to donate, it means your funds will stay in your account and we will not receive your donation.

What’s Next?
We are determined to get the book published! If you wish to support the effort, there is still time. To simplify the effort, we launched a crowd-funding project on the GoFundMe site. GoFundMe does not require that a project meet its goal, so all donations will go toward the publication of the book whether we meet our goal or not.

Dreams-of-the-Few GoFundMe Fundraiser Project

If you offered to donate to the Kickstarter project, we hope you will honor your pledge and donate via the new crowd-funding site. If all of our backers honor their previous donations, it will help us greatly!

If you are willing to consider this project for the first time, we welcome your comments and your donations. AND, there are rewards for those who donate.

Please consider a contribution to help me publish the novel. Any amount, no matter how small, will be a help.

Thank you, so much!