Monday, December 8, 2014

Dreams of the Few - Virtual Book Tour

We're all too busy to attend a book signing at a bookstore, BUT you can still visit us on our Virtual Book Tour for 'Dreams of the Few', the 2nd book in the 'Legacy of Dreams' series. 

The tour will take place from December 21 thru January 15, and will include interviews, book reviews, guest blog entries by the author of Dreams of the Few, and more!

Take a moment and explore the new novel; the second in a three-book metaphysical series that takes the reader on a journey through the land of dreams, challenges our assumptions about reality, and reminds us of the power of love and friendship.

The Legacy of Dreams series includes 'Dreams of the Many', and 'Dreams of the Few', and is the perfect holiday gift for yourself, or for a friend or family member.

Book Tour Schedule:
December 21 - Introduction at VBT CafĂ© Blog
December 23 - Book Spotlight at 4covert2overt
December 25 - Book Review at My Life Loves and Passion
December 29 - Guest Blog Post by Susan Obijiski at WWBB
January 1 - Book Spotlight at Coffee, Books & Art
January 6 - Book Spotlight at Virtual Hobby Store & Coffee Haus
January 8 - Book Review at PRATR
January 10 - Book Spotlight at deal sharing aunt
January 13 - Book Review at SiMPLiREAD
January 15 - Guest Blog by Susan Obijiski at Lori's Reading Corner

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dreams of the Few - Virtual Book Tour

Join us for our Dreams of the Few Virtual Blog Tour. The tour will take place from December 21 thru January 15, and will include interviews, reviews, guest blog entries and more! 

Take a moment and explore the new novel; the second in a three-book metaphysical series that takes the reader on a journey through the land of dreams, challenges our assumptions about reality, and reminds us of the power of love and friendship. 

The Legacy of Dreams series includes 'Dreams of the Many', and 'Dreams of the Few', and is the perfect holiday gift for yourself, or for a friend or family member. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Watch our Google Hangout, Answer the Questions and WIN A PRIZE!

If you missed our Google Hangout on Lynda Brown's Author Chat on October 23rd, you can see it here. 

AND, there is still time to enter our contest and win a free inspirational wristband and a significant discount on an autographed copy of Dreams of the Many, Dreams of the Few or BOTH books.

Watch the video here, listen to the book readings and then answer the questions. Only one entry per person, please! The content will run thru November 1st, so don't delay.

Google Hangout - Dreams of the Few, October 23, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Musings on Writing: Create a Character That Your Readers Will Love

Now that 'Dreams of the Few' is in the bookstores and online, it is time to publish another installment of 'Musings on Writing'. 

If you are an aspiring author or an author who just wants to validate your process or learn more about writing, you may want to browse our previous posts on the writing process and see what, if anything you can glean from those posts. 

Feel free to share your comments and thoughts with me and with other blog readers!

This time, we're going to talk about creating characters your readers will love. 

Appeal to Your Audience: The foundation of character creation must include an understanding of your audience. If you don't know your target audience; if you aren't speaking to a specific reader; you are probably going to miss the mark with your characters. Someone who buys your book because it is advertised as a crime novel isn't likely to take to a character who is running through a meadow scattering flowers in the wind. 

They might, however, like a quirky detective who also happens to be a bird-watcher. If you are writing in a particular genre, or for a particular audience, craft your characters accordingly. We've talked about writing for genre and audience before, but it bears repeating when it comes to creating characters.

Character Depth: The second consideration in character development is what I refer to as 'depth'. Readers despise cardboard cutouts, one dimensional characters and cliches. Create a character that looks, talks and acts like a real person - one that has strengths and weaknesses. 

Unless you are writing a sci-fi or fantasy novel wherein your characters will fly, display super powers or interact in a way that is superhuman or out of the norm, your readers will expect the characters in your book to behave in a believable fashion. If you are writing about a character who is psychotic or behaving erratically, you will have to put that behavior in context, so that your readers understand the paradigm. 

Back Story: Take the time to give your character a back story. By the time you sit down to write your novel, you may have a detailed outline or a simple 'beginning, middle and end' for the story. You will probably know the identities and maybe even have an image of the character in your head. 

But, if your characters don't have a life story...if they don't have a tale to tell the readers, they will lack gravitas and depth, and you don't want that. What you want is for readers to get attached to a character, to sympathize, empathize and have compassion or understanding for that character. If your readers don't understand the characters in your novel, they will not relate to them or embrace them. 

Actions and Reactions: With your back story in place, you can write scenes and dialogue that depict believable, authentic character actions and reactions. Don't betray the trust your readers have placed in you by establishing behaviors and patterns for a character and then taking a turn wherein a character takes an action that is 'out of character' - unless, of course, that character's behavior can be explained by extreme stress or extraordinary circumstances. Be true to your reader AND your characters. 

Reader Relatability: Yep, 'relatability' IS a word and it is important to character development. 

You KNOW your audience, right? You KNOW the story you want to tell. If you can answer 'yes' to both of those questions, then creating the perfect character should be easier. 

Give your characters the traits and characteristics that will draw your readers in and make them want a sustained relationship with your characters. That means that every character must have SOME redeeming qualities, some flaws, some relationship or life issue that your readers understand based on personal experience. 

While it is always interesting to read about someone who is totally different from you, there must be SOMEONE in your novel that a reader can relate to because they have been in that character's shoes, or because they feel the same way about an issue or problem. Think of it this way: Is there at least one character in your book that your readers might want as a 'best friend' in real life? If so, you've got an anchor!

Ordinary People in Extraordinary Circumstances: The most interesting characters are ordinary people (people your readers could imagine in their everyday lives). Again, if you are writing a sci-fi, paranormal or fantasy novel, you may create characters that are nothing like 'normal' people, but there must be something 'average' about your characters in order for your readers to relate. 

The best stories are about ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. Readers love to see how people will react to stress, change, extreme situations and major life challenges. Create a 'regular' person and put them in a difficult situation and watch what happens!

There are many other facets of good character development, but this overview should get your started. Please feel free to comment or ask questions.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reading Group Guides Now Available for Dreams of the Many and Dreams of the Few

Are you a member of reading group? 

If so, you may be interested in ordering the free reading group guides for Dreams of the Many and Dreams of the Few. 

Complete with a story synopsis, discussion questions and menus for your reading group meeting, these guides will help you and your group members get the most out of the Legacy of Dreams books and enjoy your meetings!

Order Your Free Reading Group Guides

Monday, October 6, 2014

Join us for the Google Hangout for Dreams of the Few - Author Chat with Lynda Brown - October 2rd, 9:00 p.m. CST

On October 23rd at 9:00 CST, I will be joining Lynda Brown on Google Hangout to read an excerpt from my latest novel, 'Dreams of the Few', and discuss the book with Lynda. 

Register for and Join the Google Hangout

All you have to do is pay attention during the Hangout session and you just might win a FREE GIFT and a discount coupon good for an autographed copy of 'Dreams of the Few' direct from the author. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Book Signing - Susan Obijiski Dreams of the Few

What: Author Book Signing - Dreams of the Few 
When: September 27 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. 
Where: The Worm 6645 Arizona 179 C-1, Sedona, AZ ~ (928) 282-3471

Here's your chance to meet the author, Susan Obijiski, and get a signed copy of Dreams of the Many, the first novel in the Legacy of Dreams series, and the recently released Dreams of the Few, Book II of this intriguing three-book series. 

Special discounts apply for The Worm customers, and for customers who buy a copy of both books of this three-book series.Here's your chance to meet the author, Susan Obijiski, and get a copy of Dreams of the Many and/or Dreams of the Few signed. Special discounts apply for The Worm customers and for customers who buy a copy of both books of this three-book series.

Monday, May 5, 2014

'Dreams of the Few' in the Top 3% of Barnes and Noble Online Bookstore and Top 4% of Amazon Bookstore

'Dreams of the Few' is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

It is ranked in the top 3% of the Barnes and Noble Bookstore and the top 4% of the Amazon Bookstore!

Order your copy today...and find out what happens to your favorite characters from 'Dreams of the Many'. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Win a Free Autographed Copy of 'Dreams of the Few'

How would you like to win a free autographed copy of 'Dreams of the Few'?
The second book in the Legacy of Dreams trilogy will be released soon and we are launching a contest to win a free autographed copy of the book.*
Click on this link and visit the Dreams of the Few page.
'Like' the page, and then look for the words that appear in CAPS in each of the posts on that page. Starting 4/25/14, there will be one word in every post. Keep track of those words to complete the secret sentence.
Be the first to post the sentence on that page and you will win a free, autographed copy of 'Dreams of the Few'
*Family members and friends are not eligible

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

 ...counting the days until publication. 

'Like' the 'Dreams of the Few' page on FaceBook and get a synopsis of the new book and up-to-date information on the publication date and book signings. 

Dreams of the Few on FaceBook

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Get a Special Deal on eVersions of Dreams of the Many when you buy a copy from Smashwords - NOW thru May 1st, 2014

In anticipation of the publication date for 'Dreams of the Few', we are offering a special discounted price on eVersions of Dreams of the Many when you purchase a copy from Smashwords. Get caught up on the story and characters BEFORE Dreams of the Few is released. 

Use the discount code: JL52Q (not case-sensitive) and get $2.00 off regular price! Hurry! This offer expires on 5/1/2014.

Dreams of the Many - SPECIAL DEAL!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dreams of the Few - Stay Tuned for Publication Date

Dreams of the Few is now in the Galley Proof stage. The back cover content is complete, as is the pricing, and the samples of cover art. We are well on our way to publication! 

Stay tuned for a firm publication date!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dreams of the Few is at the Publisher!

'Dreams of the Few', the second book of metaphysical fiction, in the three book series entitled, 'Legacy of Dreams' is now at the publisher!

Look for the novel in your local bookstore and online, later this year and check this blog, and our website, often to find updates on the publication date. 

If you haven't yet read 'Dreams of the Many', now would be the time to pick up a copy. That way you'll be ready for the sequel, when it arrives in your bookstore.

Dreams of the Many - Amazon

Dreams of the Many - Apple iBookstore

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Interview with Susan Obijiski

Smashwords has just published an interview with Susan Obijiski regarding Dreams of the Many and the upcoming book, Dreams of the Few, scheduled for publication in mid-2014. 

You can read the interview here:

Author Interview About Dreams of the Many and the Upcoming Dreams of the Few

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dreams of the Many Now Available in Apple Books

At long last, 'Dreams of the Many' is available in the Apple Book store. To order your copy for your Apple compatible eBook reader, go to this link:

Dreams of the Few

If you haven't already joined the dream, this is your opportunity to get to know Brody, Casey and the other dreamers and to prepare for the 2014 release of the 2nd book in the 'Legacy of Dreams' series, entitled 'Dreams of the Few'